应威廉希尔中文网站田浩教授、李立教授共同邀请,国际知名专家、英国赫瑞瓦特大学Chen Xianzhong教授近期将围绕超表面光子学与多维光场调控开展短期讲学。欢迎感兴趣的老师、研究生和高年级本科生参加。
Device miniaturization and system integration are two continuing trends. However, further reduction in the thickness of the optical elements is hindered by the design theory. Optical metasurfaces consisting of nanostructures can control light propagation in a desirable manner, providing new opportunities to develop ultrathin optical devices with unusual functionalities. In the first part, he is going to review the current progress in optical metasurfaces and talk recent work in metasurface based ultrathin optical devices and their applications in imaging, displays, encryption, and detection. As a fundamental property of light, polarization plays an increasingly important role in photonics. Optical metasurfaces can manipulate the optical properties of light in desirable manner, providing a novel method to generate and manipulate light’s polarization profile at the subwavelength scale. The second part will cover the basic knowledge of conventional polarization optics and our recent progress on ultrathin metasurface devices for the realization of customized polarization profiles. Optical vortices (OVs) carry orbital angular momentum (OAM) and have extra degree of freedom for carrying information, which have attracted considerable interest in the field of optics. Despite the significant efforts to realize OVs using conventional optics, it is limited by large volume, high cost and lack of design flexibility. The last part will start from the fundamentals of OVs, then will provide a comprehensive discussion on the optical manipulation of OVs, including OAM multiplexing, OAM sorting, OAM superposition, OAM holography, and OAM manipulation with nonlinear optical metasurfaces.
主讲人简介:Chen Xianzhong教授,任职英国赫瑞-瓦特大学光子学与量子科学研究所、纳米光子学实验室负责人。在Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、Nano Letters、Light: Science & Applications等国际权威期刊发表论文80余篇,他引超过7000次。利用先进纳米光子技术,在光学应用方面做出系列突出贡献。与业界公司合作,探索纳米材料及器件的商业应用。研究成果遴选为英国《物理世界》2010年十大突破、美国《发现》杂志2011年最佳百篇报道。担任Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Communications等国际顶刊评审专家,Frontiers in Nanotechnology副主编和多个国际期刊客座主编。