
莫斯科大学Vladimir Belotelov教授学术报告(2)


应威廉希尔中文网站王先杰教授、陶玲玲教授邀请,莫斯科大学、俄罗斯量子中心副主任Vladimir Belotelov教授将做超快磁性研究方面的报告。欢迎感兴趣的老师和员工参加。


报告题目Ultrafast magnetism and quantum perspectives


报告地点:基础科研大厦(TIB) K1538


Light can excite magnetic spins due to different effects including optomagnetic, photomagnetic and thermal effects. If laser pulse duration is short enough then it can excite spins at high rates which is referred to as ultrafast magnetism. Applications include all-optical data storage and optical excitation of spin waves. In this way magnetic nanostructures can also help to concentrate optical impact on magnetic materials in subwavelength volume. Dealing with nanometer size magnets has very interesting quantum perspectives.  A general introduction in the field of ultrafast magnetism along with some recent results will be given..

 报告人简介:Vladimir Belotelov教授是莫斯科大学教授,俄罗斯量子中心副主任、首席科学家。主要从事新型磁等离子体材料领域的研究,包括磁性纳米结构多层膜;通过自旋极化电流、激光脉冲等调控多铁材料中的表面等离子体激元,逆切向磁光克尔效应、拓朴绝緣体中的逆自旋霍尔效应等。目前在Nature NanotechnologyPhysical Review X等学术期刊发表论文150多篇。